About Manager Dashboard and Learning Groups

Manager Dashboard and Learning Groups (Manager Dashboard) is a set of tools for managers, learning directors, and administrators that helps manage enrollment and track course completion of employees in an organization.

You must have the specific role permissions and user attributes properly configured before you can use these tools.

Manager Dashboard consists of two tools:

  • Learning Groups – creates collections of employees with similar training needs. You can create attribute rules which automatically create groups based on common attributes amongst groups, such as Department-Engineering, or Location - 10th floor. Alternatively, you can manually assign members based on any corporate need; for example, new hires, first aid responders, or special interest groups within your organization. Access this tool by clicking Learning Groups on the navbar.
  • Manager Dashboard - provides information about a manager's direct reports and teams such as course enrollment and completion details, course due dates, and overdue course alerts. You can manually assign people who report to you directly or indirectly to courses if you have this permission. Access this tool by clicking Manager Dashboard on the navbar.